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"In His Sight"

Because a new day is dawning . . .

"Up lighting used to simulate the sun rising."

Remember ten years ago when we made some of our closest and dearest family and friends arise early on a Saturday morning to see this new day dawn? Well, for ten years Tyrus and I have been preparing for the dawn of another new day. No, we are not asking you to arise early in the morning this time. But we are extremely thrilled to share with you on this Valentine’s Day, the dawn of our new day! In His Sight has been growing independently within each of us. A vision that sometimes laid dormant while God, once again, delayed us for until it was time.

When Tyrus and I began to plan our wedding, we quickly realized that the preparations were not for us. It was a testimony to be shared. Each step of the planning process was spent ensuring that we shared God’s vision with His people.

Because we both understood what God had done individually in our lives and were obedient to His Will, God told us what He was going to do collectively in our lives. Whirling with the excitement of what was to come next, we began making preparations. What we did not know was how we would get there and how to move life out of the way so that we could get there. And we certainly did not know how long it would take to see the fruits of our labor. In our dormant season, we lost focus, we took our individual paths, we grew stronger in our individual visions, but we continued to share those visions with each other.

And then, in God-order and God-time, what He was working out in us individually became a joint meeting-of-the-minds. It hit my spirit so hard that I knew it was time. All of the ideas and words and photographs and people and experiences, that had been whirling around within was ready to be birthed!

So, here we are. Tyrus and I are excited to introduce to you In His Sight, a joint partnership where we get to participate in God’s greatest love story. We also welcome Malaika and look forward to sharing her with you in the near future.

Let’s start this journey!

~Isaiah 43:19

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